Together we have trekked over 135,500 miles — equal to 5.2 times around Earth. We are 1,200 Trekkers and growing.


Our mission? Build a community of living donors, recipients, transplant professionals, families, and advocates to get the word out about organ transplant. We’d love to have you in our community and help us put transplant on the map!

Every Step Counts

We’ve Completed
Nine Virtual Treks

  • You can walk, jog, pedal, hike, swim, row, skate, paddle, garden, do yoga, play pickleball—it all counts!

    1. Join our current trek and help us raise awareness about living transplant. Be part of a community of great folks, make progress along our virtual route, and earn a swell virtual badge!

    2. Along the trek, you’ll receive postcards highlighting interesting sites and sharing facts about living donation. We hope you’ll share these postcards with your followers and get the word out about donation.

    3. Keep us posted about your progress and inspire others by sharing photos and videos along the way on our community Facebook group with #TransplantTrekkers.

  • Every trek has a motivation or theme.

    We have joined the 2022 Transplant Games on a route from New Jersey to San Diego, celebrated the World Transplant Games through Australia, explored spooky sights from Salem, MA to NOLA, and immersed ourselves in New England’s Fall trees.

    We aim for three treks a year, and the fun does not stop! Check out our past treks.

The Trek is Virtual
The Reason is Real

  • Did you know that if one in every 500 people would donate a kidney, the waitlist would disappear? The collective effort to educate empowers the community to make informed and impactful decisions.

  • We are hoping to inspire people who are dedicated to becoming informed advocates for organ transplant, busting myths, and spreading knowledge as they help build the organ donation community. Interested? Read on for more information.

Sports + Movement at the Heart of the Cause

  • Transplant Trekkers is a program of the John Brockington Foundation and was founded to encourage conversation and awareness around living organ donation.

  • The Transplant Trekkers are regular participants in San Diego's Holiday Bowl Parade and have been honored to unfurl the American flag at the 2023 Holiday Bowl Game and the Wrexham AFC vs Manchester United soccer game. They also co-host events, such as group walks and paddle-outs, with Sports San Diego.

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"

Mary Oliver